Ram Jhula Rishikesh

Located at 3km from Muni Ki Reti over the River Gange, Ram Jhula is the suspension bridge in Rishikesh. This bridge connecting Sivananda and Swarg Ashram is made of solid iron angles and sheets. Ram Jhula is also known as Sivanand Jhula. Two-wheelers can often be seen passing over it. Ram Jhula also offers a panoramic view of the surroundings from over there. This 750 feet long bridge was much bigger than Laxman Jhula Pool. The panoramic view of the Ram Jhula is delightful during the night with colorful twinkling lights.


Visiting Places Nearby Ram Jhula


How to Reach

By Road: Road connectivity is good to reach Ram Jhula. Anyone can take a taxi and their private vehicle to get there. There is a parking facility near the bridge. 

By train: Just 3 km away, Rishikesh Railway Station is the nearest train head for Ram Jhula. From there, one can take an auto-rickshaw.

By Air: Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun is just 22 kilometers from Ram Jhula. From the airport’s outside, you can hire a taxi for a comfortable journey to your destination.

Best Time to Visit

You can visit Ram Jhula throughout the year, but the best time is considered Fab – May and October – December.